Rocket MV Madness – A MultiValue Competition

It's Spring Time and a time for a little madness and fun.
Rocket are holding an MV Madness competition. The questions are based on MultiValue, and Rocket have catered to the variants too. So no unfair advantage of one system knowledge over another.
The Prizes
- All Contestants: Fun and an MV Madness badge
- All Finalists: Rocket Pyjama Pants
- Top 5 Scoring Finalists: $100 UDS Amazon Gift cards
The Dates
Qualifiying Round: 24-31 March 2021
The Finals: 2-7 April 2021
Find out more
Just enter...
Why not... what harm can it do? Have a bit of fun!
Visit community.rocketsoftware.com.
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Prospectus IT Recruitment