St Patrick's Day Puzzle – The Vanishing Leprechaun

Happy St Patrick's Day!
A little mystery puzzle for St Patrick's Day.
St Patrick's Day Puzzle.pdf
Size: 198 KB
- Download the Leprechaun Puzzle above
- Cut out the box and then cut along the 2 lines inside the box.
- Reassemble the puzzle as per picture. Heading to say: "The Vanishing Leprechaun"
- Count the Leprechauns carefully. Are you sure you know how many there are ?
- Now swap the 2 top pieces over so the top headline reads: "Leprechaun The Vanishing"
- Now count the Leprechauns carefully. Are you sure you know how many there are ?
- Which one vanishes ?
- Where did he go ?
- When he comes back, where has he been ?
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