2017 – A MultiValue Review

Christmas is great, but I have to be honest – I'm a New Year / January person! January is definitely one of my favourite times of year. A summer holiday comes a close second!
January to me is a time of great excitement and hope. Hope for positives and excitement for the unknown adventure and the time to create and build something in the coming year. Some people say that you should ONLY look forward, but I feel it beneficial and useful to have a quick glance back (not dwell in the past!) I like to have a brief look back at the previous year and see what I've learnt and the successes and news from the year.
With this in mind, I had a little look back at our blogs from the last 12 months. Here are my favourite MultiValue highlights from 2017:
- There were 2 great liaisons ....
- Pick Cloud & Google (read more...)
- Python and MultiValue (read more...)
- There were some good discussion topics:
- MultiValue and Value of High Availability Data Recovery (read more...)
- Launches and user stories:
- MVON# hits the streets (read more ...)
- Enteruptors and Evoke from BlueFinity (read more...)
- Saving the day during Hurricane Irma was a sharp reminder that computers do make a real-life difference (read more...)
- Great progress in creating "new blood" with regards to staffing:
- Cook & Zumasys (read more ...)
- APT with Rocket launches APT RocketBuild (read more...)
- A lively year...
- On the Community and Sociable side there was the 1st Beer and MultiValue Group Session in London (read more...)
- On the Technology side, MultiValue features in the DBTA Top 100 (read more ...) Once again – Well done to Rocket Software and Revelation Software.
In summary, I think 2017 was great! Now, being the January / New Year person that I am, I am looking forwards to 2018 and all that it can hold.