The Finalists – 2017 APT Rocket.Build Competition

The APT Rocket.Build Academy / Competition 2017
The APT Rocket.Build Academy is an environment dedicated to promoting the MultiValue software platform authored by Rocket Software by means of supporting people who enter the competition at one of the most important points in their careers – the beginning. The entrants are all undergraduates, who have given up their time to learn awesome software and create an application using it and enter this into the competition. The competition has been supported by a large number of software professionals (APT and Rocket) who have been available via social media and direct questions to help, teach and encourage the entrants with their projects.
Entries were seen by both teams and individuals. Sadly, some dropped out part way, but a good number enjoyed the journey and produced some excellent entries.
The Prize
£5,000 PLUS a trip to this year's Rocket.Build in Boston, USA. Rocket.Build is Rocket Software's annual hackathon – an event which brings together engineers and programmers from around the world to work in teams to develop new products to help Rocket customers solve their business and technology challenges.
The Judges:
- Stuart Shepherd, MD APT Solutions
- Adam Astle, Head of Development, APT Solutions
- Vinnie Smith, Managing Director, R&D Rocket Software
- Andy Youniss, President & CEO, Rocket Software
- Suzanne Simpkins, Senior Software Engineer, Rocket Software
- Rob England, Serial Entrepreneur and Business Coach
- Elkie Holland, Recruitment and MD, Prospectus IT Recruitment
The Judging Criteria:
Points were awarded for a number of things, including technical innovation and competence; user experience and documentation; contribution and interaction.
The Finalists are:
Amongst the wide variety of entries, there were 2 outstanding entries which impressed the judges very much, so it was decided that both would go to Rocket.Build and meet Andy Youniss in person. The APT Rocket.Build Competion Winner will be announced during Rocket.Build.
The Finalists are: Eddie O'Donnell and George Christian
The APT Rocket.Build Winner... is to be announced... at Rocket.Build.
My Comments
It was fantastic to watch the Entrants formulate and grow in confidence and ability throughout the time, as well as to watch the fruition of their concepts.
Everyone who submitted a final entry should feel a great sense of achievement, both for the technical product and for entering.
To the 2 Finalists: Well done, and don't worry about who the Winner is, enjoy the Rocket.Build and being amongst some awesome brains. Good luck to you both in the final stage.
Credit must go not just to the entrants but also to the great support, encouragement, organisation and planning put into this from both APT and Rocket staff (not just the Judges!). It was a great MultiValue Community Collective spearheaded by APT. Brilliant.
It's been a great competition all round, and I have very much enjoyed being a part of it and seeing it go from conception to Winner.